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Drupal 7 multi-site installation


This is a guide for setting up a multi-site Drupal configuration that I put together when re-installing a hosted server. I'm using Fedora 20 on the server so there are F20 specific individual instructions and commands. You may have to adjust these steps slightly for your specific distribution.

This multi site installation is a bit of a different approach from the official Drupal 7 (the version currently released) INSTALL.txt. Drupal does have a bunch of documentation around multi-site installations that you might want to look at.

The approach of this multi-site drupal configuration is to set up a series of per-site directories, databases and configurations. Some other approaches use a single database but this approach was chosen to make it easier to move or migrate a site from one server to another as well as to simplify upgrading Drupal with new releases.

For the purposes of this guide I’ve used {site1} and {site2} for the two sites. You can have as many sites as you’d like though, just repeat the sections for as many sites as you want.

The per-site directory layout looks something like:

        drupal/ # site-specific configuration (drupal is pointed to this folder)
                files # symlink to /var/www/{site1}/files
        files/ # site-specific files
        htdocs # symlink to the common drupal install

Another aspect of this installation approach is the use of a separate ‘sites’ configuration. This enables modules and themes to be kept outside of the system drupal directory. This directory layout looks like:
                {site1} # symlink to /var/www/{site1}/drupal
                {site2} # symlink to /var/www/{site2}/drupal

        sites # symlink to /etc/drupal/7/sites

Install and configure services

> yum install httpd community-mysql-server
> yum install php php-pdo php-gd php-mbstring php-mysqlnd

> yum install php-devel gcc
> pecl install uploadprogress

# enable pecl uploadprogress extension in php by adding ‘’ to /etc/php.ini

# start httpd and have it start at boot
> systemctl start httpd.service
> systemctl enable httpd.service

# start mysqld and have it start at boot
> systemctl enable mysqld.service 
> systemctl start mysqld.service

# enable firewall access for the web server
> firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-service=http
> firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-service=https
> firewall-cmd --reload
> firewall-cmd --list-all-zones
# You should see 'http' and 'https' listed in the 'public' zone

Drupal install

I chose to install Drupal from a .tar.gz from the Drupal website so I knew exactly where and what was being installed. You may want to use your distributions package manager to install Drupal rather than following these steps. You may have to poke around or read a bit to find out what/where things are installed if you end up going that route.
# extract drupal
> cd ~/
> mkdir downloads
> cd downloads
> wget
> tar xvzf drupal-7.28.tar.gz
> mv drupal-7.28 /usr/share/drupal7

Setup the multi-site directories

> cd /var/www
> mkdir {site1}
> cd {site1}
> ln /usr/share/drupal7 htdocs -s
> mkdir files
> chown apache files
> mkdir drupal
> cd drupal
> ln /var/www/{site1}/files files -s
> cp /usr/share/drupal7/sites/default/default.settings.php settings.php
> chown apache settings.php

> cd /var/www
> mkdir {site2}
> cd {site2}
> ln /usr/share/drupal7 htdocs -s
> mkdir files
> chown apache files
> mkdir drupal
> cd drupal
> ln /var/www/{site2}/files files -s
> cp /usr/share/drupal7/sites/default/default.settings.php settings.php
> chown apache settings.php

Repeat this approach for as many sites as you would like to host.

Apache configuration

edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf to add:
# Virtual hosts
Include conf/vhosts.conf

create /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName {site1}
        ServerAlias *.{site1}
        DocumentRoot "/var/www/{site1}/htdocs"

        RewriteEngine on
        # map ip only requests to this site by default
        # NOTE: It would be nice to use ${SERVER_ADDR} on the right hand side
        #       but this doesn't work. So use the server's ip address instead, with
        #       dots escaped with \
        RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^123\.321.\123.\321$
        RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://{site1}

        <Directory "/var/www/{site1}/htdocs">
                Options Includes FollowSymLinks
                AllowOverride All
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all

<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName {site2}
        ServerAlias *.{site2}
        DocumentRoot "/var/www/{site2}/htdocs"
        RewriteEngine on
        <Directory "/var/www/{site2}/htdocs">
                Options Includes FollowSymLinks
                AllowOverride All
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all

Create the ‘sites’ structure outside of the drupal install directory

Placing the 'sites' directory outside of the install directory can make it easier to backup and restore the site-wide configuration of modules and themes and can reduce the risk of overwriting your sites files when upgrading Drupal.
> mkdir /etc/drupal/7/sites
> mkdir /etc/drupal/7/private
> chown apache /etc/drupal/7/private

> cd /usr/share/drupal7
> mv sites sites.old
# symlink in /usr/share/drupal7 of ‘sites’ to /etc/drupal/7/sites
> ln /etc/drupal/7/sites /usr/share/drupal7/sites -s

> cd /etc/drupal/7/sites/
> mkdir default
> cp /usr/share/drupal7/sites.old/default/default.settings.php /etc/drupal/7/sites/default
> ln /var/www/{site1}/drupal {site1} -s
> ln /var/www/{site2}/drupal {site2} -s

Creating mysql database and accounts

Setup {site1}

Create database

> mysql
create database {site1}_drupal;
create user ‘{site1}_user’@’localhost’;
set password for ‘{site1}_user’@’localhost’ = password({site1_password});
grant all on {site1}_drupal.* to ‘{site1}_user’@’localhost’;

Perform Drupal setup

Visit the url for {site1} in your web browser and run through the installation.

Setup {site2}

Create database

> mysql
create database {site2}_drupal;
create user ‘{site2}_user’@’localhost’;
set password for '{site2}_user'@'localhost' = password('{site2_password}');
grant all on {site2}_drupal.* to '{site2}_user'@'localhost';

Perform Drupal setup

Visit the url for {site2} in your web browser and run through the installation.


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