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Watch out for an out-of-date STM32 Standard Peripheral library

ST has newer versions of the STM32 standard peripheral library that aren't being released. If you search on the website you'll find v3.5.0, dated as released 11-March-2011. But, if you download the STM32 USB-FS_Device driver package you can see that this includes a much newer STM32 standard peripheral library, v3.6.1 dated 05-March-2012.

There are some quite important fixes between v3.5.0 and v3.6.1:

V3.6.1 / 05-March-2012
Main Changes

  • All source files: license disclaimer text update and add link to the License file on ST Internet.

V3.6.0 / 27-January-2012
Main Changes

  • All source files: update disclaimer to add reference to the new license agreement
  • stm32f10x_sdio.c
    • SDIO_SetPowerState() function: fix POWER register configuration, only one access (for read or write) is allowed
  • stm32f10x_usart.h/.c
    • Update procedure to check on overrun error interrupt pending bit, defines for the following flag are added:
    • USART_IT_ORE_RX: this flag is set if overrun error interrupt occurs and RXNEIE bit is set
    • USART_IT_ORE_ER: this flag is set if overrun error interrupt occurs and EIE bit is set
  • Remove IS_USART_PERIPH_FLAG macro (not used)
  • stm32f10x_rtc.c
    • Update RTC_GetCounter() function to fix issue when reading the RTC counter registers (CNTL & CNTH registers) and the counter rolls over
    • stm32f10x_flash.c
  • Flash keys moved from to stm32f10x.h file
  • stm32f10x_tim.c
    • TIM_UpdateRequestConfig(): correct function header's comment 
  • stm32f10x_exti.h
    • EXTI_InitTypeDef structure : for “EXTI_Trigger“ member, change “@ref EXTIMode_TypeDef”  by  “@ref EXTITrigger_TypeDef”
It would be nice if ST could release the latest STM32 peripheral library as a standalone package. I'm tempted to put up a github of the v3.6.1 library. The license appears to allow for that...


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